Coming to or going from.
As often mentioned, an Echelon scene will start by constructing a flying craft of some kind on a gradated sky. It’s a somewhat simple procedure of overlapping shapes and gradations and graphic elements that I find appealing. They often turn out quite abstract.
One of my favourites. Maybe because of the graphic element of the Morse code like dashes superimposed over the architecture. I think the flying ships are stellar! A few posts earlier you can see the design development of one of them. I often put too many elements in these pictures. It’s hard for me to be satisfied with simplicity. The top ship probably doesn’t need to be there but it adds a nice counter movement to the two other ships.
Every once in awhile there is an Echelon piece that does not quite seem like a Twilight of Echelon image, so it must be a dream. I’m still wondering who or what is dreaming … and what does it all mean?
Coming to or going from. No.146 No.145 No.144